Build your In/Out Load Schedule

Adding objects with in/out dates and how to review these in your Bill of Quantities

Once you've placed an object onto your event plan, you'll see the option to add loading schedule information in the properties panel.

By clicking the '+' icon, next to In/Out Date. Clicking the calendar icon, you can add the in and out date and time each object is required for your event.

Clicking out of the properties panel auto-saves the information you've inputted.

By clicking the OnePlan icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen you'll be taken to your account overview. Clicking back into your event, you can then access your Bill of Quantities in the 'Reports' tab.

You can see the In/Out date for each object you have added loading information for under the 'General' column in the Bill of Quantities.

You can download a CSV report of the Bill of Quantities which might be helpful for reviewing, sharing and sorting your data and In/Out dates as you see fit.