1. OnePlan Solo
  2. OnePlan Features

Layer Management (Z-ordering) in OnePlan

This article summerising how layer management (z-ordering) in OnePlan works.

Inside of OnePlan you can adjust which layers sit on top or behind each other. This is called Z-ordering, as it manages the order of objects on the 'Z' axis (the up and down of your 2D map)


There are 4 Z-ordering behaviours:

  1. Bring forward (one place)

  2. Bring to Front

  3. Send Backwards (one place)

  4. Send to Back

You can adjust the order of objects using two methods: keyboard shortcuts or the right-click menu. 


Keyboard Shortcuts:



 Keyboard shortcut

 Bring forward

 Sft + ]

 Bring to Front


 Send backwards

 Sft + [

 Send to back



Right-click / Context menu:

By right-clicking on an object you will open the right click menu, clicking on the Z-ordering options will change the orders on the map.





  • What happens when you copy and paste a layered object?

The software remembers the Z order so the new object will be on the same level as the original.

  • How can you select an object that is under another?

There are two workarounds for this:

- changing the Z order again and editing the bottom object, then sending back again.

- moving the top object away and then adjusting the bottom object, then moving it back again.

  • Can you edit nodes if they are behind an object?

Yes, if you select a line or a polygon, you can edit the nodes as usual from underneath the object.