Your event information, all in one place
One of the great things about OnePlan is the reporting!
The OnePlan system collates all information from your map, and organises it into specific reports.
The reports can be found in the main dashboard of your event.
Bill of Quantities - collects all information of objects, their specifics and quantities and organises this into sections. This can then be exported into a CSV file.
The more information you add to the properties panel for each event you place, the more information that is collected in your BOQ report.
Please see our helpful video here in regards to our BOQ reporting.
Crowd Area Report - collates all the areas you have marked on your event including any crowd density and capacity caclulation data.
Walking Routes - collates any walking routes you have marked on your event.
Parking - collates any parking areas you have marked on your event map including calculated parking area and car capacities
Signage - collates any signage objects you have placed on your event map including detrails such as quantity, type & artwork.
Dot Planning aka Workforce Report - collates all the workforce staff dots you have placed on your event map.
Vendor Management - collates information on all objects you have added Vendor information to including
Please see our helpful video here about Vendor Management