Generate a shareable view-only link to your event plan, so that anyone can now open it in view-only mode
How it works:
On the map view there is a link button on the top panel – only the event admins will be able to use this feature (for other users the button is disabled):What the user can do in View mode:
- See objects on the map
- Move and rotate the map
- Use ‘Search location’
- Switch metric / imperial
- Hide / show labels
- Open ‘Placed objects’ section
- Show / hide objects on the map
- See object properties panel with all details
- Use different map options (all except HD)
- See layouts and floorplans if there are any
What the user can’t do in View mode:
- Create a shareable link
- Share the event
- Use Presentation export
- Unlock objects on the map
- Move objects on the map
- Rename objects
- Edit, duplicate, delete, unlock, swap objects
- Edit object properties panel details
- Undo actions
- Use folders menu
- Add folders
- Move objects between folders
- Move objects between floorplans
- Delete, duplicate the event
- Edit permissions type
- Create new event versions